Hedgerows on a sunny, warm day in June can be an overwhelming mass of fresh luxurious new growth and abundant flowers. Whilst on a walk in near the River Wye between Hereford and Ross-on-Wye a couple of weeks ago, the footpath I followed led through the quiet corner of a field and into some woodlands. Here, partly in the shade and partly in bright sunlight, were elder bushes covered in creamy scented elderflowers and the tall white umbellifers of hogweed. The hedgerow was filled with goosegrass, bracken, bramble, buttercups, docks and numerous flowering grasses. This sketch was an attempt to capture the sense of a place enveloped the beauty of nature doing what it does best with all the plants thriving in a warm, sheltered and probably dampish spot. The colours were vibrant, the air full of spring aromas and everything was fresh and new. The sketch took around 20 minutes to do which was about as long I could comfortably kneel down.
Ballingham Hedgerow
Matthew Slater